Monday, January 20, 2025

Review: EcoViva Reverse Osmosis 600G system

Where I live, the city water is pretty crummy. Tap water rates 200+ on the total dissolved solids meter, and it smells and tastes like chlorine. It's poor quality water to drink and to bathe in, although I suppose it is disinfected and will kill you slowly rather than quickly.

The Brondell Circle: Great Concept, Poor Execution

For the last six years I've been using an ingenious product: the under-sink reverse osmosis water filtration system. These have been around a while actually, and I had one in my old house, but over time the technology has continuously improved and now they're smaller and easier to use than ever.

My first system was from Rainsoft; the salesman was a pompous, insulting ass and I should have never bought from him, but I really liked the idea of drinking cleaner water. It was a three chamber system with storage tank, installed in a rack on the side of the under-sink cabinet. It would filter water into a holding tank that kept a cache of about two liters of water. It was a decent system but involved cumbersome maintenance. You had to backwash the filters every so often, replacement filters were not cheap, and you also had to use a compressor to recharge a bladder inside the storage tank so that it would push water to the sink spigot. 

At my current home the sink came with a Dupure two chamber system, but it was ass. It was basically a taste and smell filter that only weakly removed the chlorine smell and the water still tasted like crap. I did a lot of research and settled on the Brondell Circle system. I was really excited about the Brondell at first. It was not cheap but it featured improvements over the Rainsoft. It contained all the equipment in a single assembly. Inside a box about a foot tall, a foot and a half deep, and about nine inches wide, it integrated four filters and a storage tank. It also self-backwashed with each use so you didn't have to do that chore manually. 

Unfortunately, the Brondell had some serious design flaws. About a year and a half into its life, some of the valves ceased to work right and the output dropped to a trickle. It would work ok after each filter change for a few days and then would return to a super slow output. It was maddening because there seemed to be no fix for it. Online, the truth about the Brondell would come out and many customers would complain about this happening. We lived with this deficiency for the last few years by having a pitcher or a large lemonade dispenser by the sink that we'd fill and then use that for drinking water as needed, and refill it as needed. Refills took a long time but once you were done you had water for a couple days. Still, this was inconvenient and I went from being a Brondell fan to a Brondell hater. Further, the Brondell filters weren't cheap and there was no recycling program for the old filters, so each refill created three to four plastic cylinders that went to the landfill. And from a product out of California...for shame!

Recently the Brondell sprung a leak and started dripping water everywhere. Rather than try to fix it I decided it was time to be rid of it. Like so many poorly implemented products before it, it was time to  let it go, and feel blessed to be in an economy that encourages competition. Looking online, I found many other directions I could go.

EcoViva: Benefits of Evolution

There were lots of the Rainsoft-style traditional systems, with the wall mounted rack of filter chambers and separate storage tank. But was was cool to see were that there were now also many new RO filter systems that were tankless. Tankless would mean less space needed under the sink, which is important because my sink area is cramped, but moreover, many of these newer systems were smaller even without tanks. One of them, the EcoViva WP-RO-600G-W, is the one I ended up choosing.

So how does it work? The EcoViva and others like it swap a storage tank for a small electric pump integrated into the unit. That's the one big difference and drawback from the other systems; you have to have power connected to the unit. The pump accelerates the flow of the water through the system and alleviates the need for a storage tank to provide a ready supply of filtered water. 

There are other benefits too: the EcoViva is more efficient. The Brondell created more than two gallons of wastewater for each gallon of filtered water (although Brondell's marketing material claims that is more efficient than other traditional systems). The EcoViva flips that equation and delivers two gallons of filtered water with a gallon of wastewater. It also uses fewer replacement objects when you change the filters. The front of the unit has two cylindrical chambers; in each you have a filter unit, one is the sediment and carbon filter, the other is the RO chamber. You can easily twist each cylinder a quarter-turn to unlock it, then pull it out and replace it in moments. To be fair, the Brondell Circle's filters were similarly easy to replace. The EcoViva's filters are a little cheaper than the Brondell units, and the system itself costs about half what Brondell charges for the Circle.

So far so good. I've been running with the EcoViva for a couple weeks and it's really nice not having to take up counter space with an extra pitcher or punch dispenser. And the idea that it's more efficient than the former system is comforting. I'll update here if the EcoViva doesn't hold up. Happy to be getting rid of the Brondell.

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