I lamented in a past post my hobbies that take up time, money, and space, namely book collecting. Welp, I'm about to make it worse.
A Forty-Year Absence
I built scale model kits when I was a kid and probably haven't touched a model since my sophomore year in high school. That would make it about forty years since I was involved in the hobby.
I didn't make a quick, conscious decision to get back in. It was something that sort of came to me indirectly while collecting the Squadron Signal books. In the course of researching Squadron, I learned about how the company has changed hands and is being revitalized by Brandon Lowe. I started to listen to the Wednesday night YouTube show "Squadron Live" and after seeing such beautiful work done by other visitors to the show and from various scale model pictures on facebook and other sites, I became inspired.
How Things Have Changed
To say the least, since I was last involved, the hobby has evolved. Kits are more detailed and more expensive. The glues have changed and there are many different types. Paints have evolved too, and acrylics are very common now as a safer alternative to enamels. And tools for everything from painting to sanding to supplies storage and more have changed. Although not the most expensive pursuit, it's not exactly cheap.
But I was amazed mostly at how popular modeling is. You hear so much now about how youth these days don't get outside or do activities besides video games. But there are droves of people doing it; some are like me and getting back in, others never left, and new modelers are coming in all the time. I liken modeling to the comics industry, where the materials became a bit more of a niche and more expensive, but the audiences got older and often richer, and this disposable income allowed them to keep up with the hobby.
There was one more bit of inspiration. Decades ago when I was still just dating my current spouse, she got me an aircraft model for my birthday, and, get this, a Squadron book to go with it. Then for my birthday last year, she got me another one. Over all this time I never built the first one but I made it a goal to eventually get to it. Now that we're going empty nest, this is the time.
My goals are simple: I'm not going to try to be those guys that make the absolutely incredible dioramas, at least not yet. I'd like in the next couple years to be able to reconnect with the hobby, get my tools and skills in order, and put together a kit or two a year. When I'm ready, I've got some ideas for dioramas I'd like to do, but I won't beat myself up too much if I don't get to them because they look like they would take too much time. But if I can get a few kits together and make respectable kits I can display in the house that would be great. I initially wondered, how much was it going to cost?
You can Go Back again, if you're Willing to Pay
I was fortunate enough to be able to kick start my re-entry by finding a guy on OfferUp that was letting go of his paints and kits because he's in the place I was twenty-five years ago with kids on the way and no time or money for modeling. I bought the whole bundle and then took stock of it. There were a couple of 1/72 scale planes that were the key for me, and a couple planes in other scales. There were also a few funny car kits, some Warhammer 40K space marine sets, and some boats. I'm not going to use the space marines or cars, so I sold those off and I've nearly recovered all the money I spent on the bundle in the first place. What I have left are a few kits and a bunch of paints that were effectively free.
Then of course I had to go ruin a good thing and buy a bunch of kits during the Hobby Lobby 40% off model kits sale, and then I got hooked on the Lightning Deals at the Sprue Brothers online store and the Squadron holiday sale late last year. So now I'm a couple hundred bucks in and I still need to get an airbrush. I'm also interested in the new Scale Color paints Squadron is coming out with, so perhaps I'll sell off the paints I got in the bundle too. It'll be the first time I've used an airbrush so I'm looking forward to picking up this new skill.
A Bunch to Do
It's crazy how the hobby has changed. When I was a kid, I didn't primer my models. I pretty much just glued them together, and sometimes I painted right on the kit afterward. The old adage says if you had fun then your build was successful. Well then, I guess I did ok.
But now you do some variation of this sequence: wash the parts. dry the parts, build, add photo etched parts, primer, pre-shade, apply base paint color, mask, paint patterns or camoflage, mask again, paint the canopy frame, mask again, maybe build a bit more and add accoutrements, apply a gloss coat, apply decals, apply matte coat, apply panel wash (weathering), apply more weathering, de-mask, and you might finally be done.
And the chemistry involved! Styrene plastic is still the main ingredient in most kits, but you may also have resin parts that were 3D printed, or metal photo etched parts that add extra detail. So you may have multiple types of glue in a build for the different materials, and special types of glue for clear parts. Same for paints, where you might have acrylics, enamels, lacquers, different clear coats, and more.
I have a lot to learn, but it's all pretty cool. Onward.